Creative and Close-Up & Macro competitions
Penny Clarke Penny Clarke

Creative and Close-Up & Macro competitions

Our Annual Close-Up & Macro and Creative competitions where Simon Caplan ARPS did a great job of judging and commented on the high standard of images presented to him.

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Photography in an AI World
Penny Clarke Penny Clarke

Photography in an AI World

Joe Houghton, one of two advisors on AI to the RPS, a tireless educator, speaker, consultant and tutor of teachers, on the subject of ‘Photography in an AI World’.

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Annual Landscape Competition
Penny Clarke Penny Clarke

Annual Landscape Competition

We enjoyed looking at images in the annual Landscape competition with both projected images and prints and hearing some excellent critique from our very experience Judge, Peter Orr ARPS.

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“It’s a brilliantly run club with friendly members who are passionate about photography. For competitions we are set in expert, intermediate and beginner groups where you will be with members of similar experience. Give it a try. I am really enjoying myself as a member” PE