Creative and Close-Up & Macro competitions

Last night we held our Annual Close-Up & Macro and Creative competitions. Simon Caplan ARPS did a great job of judging and commented on the high standard of images presented to him.

Congratulations to the winners of the Close-up & Macro competition - Robert Harvey took 1st and 2nd places and Phil Dent came 3rd.

Congratulations also to the winners of the Creative competition - especially to Jennifer Skjoldbro who retains the trophy after winning it last year.

In 2nd place came Robert Harvey and in 3rd place was Bridget Codrington.

Also a special mention goes to Karen Wallace who got 4 HC’s 1 in the creative competition and 3 in the close-up and Macro competition, well done Karen on your first go at entering.

All the placed and commended images are in our competition Hub. To see all the award winning images click here and for the points table here.


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