About Us
Devizes Photography Club has a diverse programme of talks which are held at Devizes Rugby Club and a zoom option is available for times when you might not be able to attend in person.
Since 2019 we have utilised the latest technology to provide hybrid presentations from leading photographers such as Glen Bartley who joined us from Victoria, Vancouver Island, Canada to talk about Bird Photography over zoom whilst still enabling people to socialise within the Devizes Photography Club venue.
Monthly competitions covering various subjects allow us to exhibit images and have critique from professional judges. You do not have to enter images, but it is a great way to develop your photography skills.
The time available before the speakers and during the coffee break provides an opportunity for you to catch up on what other members have been up to and ask questions on problem areas you might have.
It is believed that the Devizes Photography Club has its roots in the late 1940s and that it was called the 'Devizes and District Camera Club'.
Little is known about these early years. We do know that in the mid 1950s under the chairmanship of Mr Syd Holley the club was known as the 'Devizes and District Community Centre Camera Club'. The Club met at the Community Centre until it was demolished in 1958. On 30th September 1958 the club as we know it today was formed and called Devizes Camera Club.
In 1959 it joined the Western Counties Photographic Federation (WCPF). Mr Arthur Forder was club chairman until 1970 when Mr Lou Rutter took over.
Club Meetings were held at the Southbroom Parish Room until 1961 when they were moved to the St. James Parish Hall.
The Club later moved to share a club room with the Cine Club at the Devizes Motor Co. premises in New Park Street.
1970 also saw the W.C.P.F. Members’ Exhibition staged at the town's library.
On 1st January 2023 we announced our change of name from Devizes Camera Club to Devizes Photography Club. We felt the name ‘Camera Club’ no longer reflects who we are and what we do.
The committee felt that ‘photography’ encapsulated the wider range of processes that we use to capture images and ensures that we appeal to the broadest range of people possible.
But this is not just a new name. It is just a part of the changes we are making to ensure the club remains current and continues to offer what members want. Last year we sent member surveys for the first time.
We listened and, with the help from our wonderful organiser Caroline Wright, we have introduced monthly workshops covering a wide range of interests. We will be repeating the survey annually to ensure we continue to listen to the views of our members.
The Photography Club Committee