The Great Wilderness

During this all-encompassing talk, Alex Nail FRPS who joined us in person to discussed his ambitious project to photograph one of Scotland’s most remote mountain areas. He showed us dramatic mountain images taken on expeditions to remote areas of Scotland in all seasons and weathers.

His images include clouds laden with mositure, rainbows, cloud inversions, stunning golden light both in early morning and evening, snowy peaks and icy lochans.

Alex has made intrepid expeditions into snowy mountainous areas in mid-winter and his stunning images show amazing pattern and textures in the snow as well as beautifully lit mountain backdrops.

He spoke about the perils of bad weather in the mountains but rain showers and sunshine do produce dramatic images.

Alex has published a book of his Great Wilderness images and he kindly showed us his process of selecting and matching images for inclusion. BC

You can find more information about Alex on his website.


The Macro World