Projected Image League 2024 for the Hewitt Cup

To see all the award winning images please visit our Gallery.

The club kicked off the New Year with its annual Projected Image League Competition, held on Zoom.

13 Participants entered 39 panels of 5 images on a theme. Club members were then able to judge each set of 5 and marks were awarded. As always, the standard of images was very high and the competition was tight. Wildlife photographers practically took a clean sweep with only 1 panel of landscape in the top 12 panels.

Congratulations go to our Chairman David Wilkinson who won the Hewitt Cup for the highest average scores of all 3 panels being awarded 1st place.

Robert Harvey came 2nd, and Simon Knight who has recently joined the club came 3rd with Gerald Clarke 4th. Bridget Codrington gained the most 10’s awarded, 5, and Gerald Clarke gained the highest score for an individual with Hares.

Well done to all the other competitors who took part as we all recognise how much work goes into producing 3 cohesive panels on a theme.

Congratulations also go to our technical team, as this was the first year it had been run without Dave Eagles capable input and without whom it would never have happened. BC & GC


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