Sport’s images with Impact

For our first in person meeting of the New Year, we welcomed David Keep FRPS, MPAGB, FBPE, EFIAP with his talk “Sports Images with impact.

David took us through his jpourney of getting to know a sport, a club, and then working with them as an amateur to create stills and film. He described his work as an image maker, from the photographs he takes out of camera. Having established a rapport with the club, he has then built up his portfolio of work, which in turn has helped him recieve press passes for international sporting events.

With this same rapport, David likes to do ‘staged shots’, with better lighting and more control over the set, giving him images which can be shared with the club and individuals.

It’s often difficult to capture powerful sports shots during competitions, there’s just too much going on in the background, so he uses a mobile studio approach to photograph iconic poses. Sports covered included; weightlifting, table tennis, swimming, fencing, high board diving and several more examples.

To find out more about David please visit his website.


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