Practical - Still Life Evening

Last night Bridget and Penny ran a very successful and very well attended still life workshop. 

When we arrived they had not only made 7 still life tables (with a combination of still life and flat lays) but there was also a table filled with various other goodies just waiting to be used.

After a brief introduction and instructions, everyone was invited to move around the room trying as many of the set ups as they wanted. During which Penny and Bridget were there to offer a helping hand as and when needed.

After the tea break the setups were dismantled and members were invited to create their own still life using the fabulous selection of props from the table. 

From the general hubbub and enthusiasm around the room I would say the evening was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone who attended.  If you did attend the workshop please do post your photos we would love to see them. Thank you. Heidi Massey

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