Photography on the Darkside

This week, Devizes Photography Club was entertained by Peter Benson FRPS, his subject was ‘Photography on the Darkside’ - London Nights.Peter explained his family history in photography, and moved on to show images of the more significant buildings in the West End of London, in varying conditions at all times of night and year. e showed us the different temperatures of light, shutter speeds, tide timing required for good reflections of the river and how to reduce noise. His talk showed the rapid rise in new office and residential buildings, and the illumination of the bridges.

In the second half of the presentation, Peter took us along the street around St Pauls, and then down river to Canary Wharf, and all the docks and development there, using the extensive footpaths along the Thames. All the time explaining how he had used the available light and conditions to best effect.

As the Photography Club had recently been to London on a day trip, some of the scenery was very failure. The Special Interest Group may Look into doing a night time excursion in the future.


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