Blowing Hot and Cold

On Tuesday evening Devizes Photography Club enjoyed an excellent talk by Rene de Here, ‘Blowing hot and Cold”

Rene showed us a beautiful range of wildlife from different parts of Finland, taken in the winter, recounting the adventures he had to achieve the shots. Travel was regularly for several hours to find a particular bird often going almost to the Russian boarder. Images of raptors and owls , such as the Golden Eagle and Great Grey Owl but also other birds including Black Grouse, Black Woodpecker, Siberian Jay, Willow Tit and the very photogenic King Eider and Long Tailed Duck.

The remainder of the year Rene spends in Spain, seeking out hides from which to take fantastic shots of birds, and the elusive Lynx with cubs. the image he showed us include Raptors such as the Goshawk, Buzzard, Marsh Harrier, Black Kite, and other birds including the European Crane.

Patience stealth and timing, together with suffering for his art, with extreme cold in Norway or heat in Spain, produced the most gorgeous images. GC

More information can be obtained from Rene’s website.


Open Projected Image 01 Competition


Photography on the Darkside