As a young man, Robert Harvey BA ARPS EFIAP CSci CEnv MCIWEM was inspired to visit South America after reading about Charles Darwin’s adventures on the Beagle with Captain Fitroy. He later realised his dream some 40 years later!

Last night we were taken us on an incredible journey to the tip of South America through awe-inspiring landscapes of volcanoes, fjords and glaciers in search of guanacos, flamingoes and pumas through Chile and Patagonia to the end of the Earth, beautifully illustrated by Robert’s images.

In the second half discover the extraordinary wildlife of the Falkland Islands such as elephant seals, albatrosses and especially four species four species of penguin. Robert’s images brought these charismatic and hard working birds to life in the most delightful way.

Many thanks to Robert for a very interesting and entertaining evening.

More information on Robert can be found on his website.


Waterscapes - a talk by Jonathan Genevaux