Ladies V Gents Battle Results

2024 Gents win 532.5 to 515

2023  Gents win 574 to 567.5

2022  Gents win 520 to 474
2021  Gents win 543 to 503
2020  Ladies win 471.5 to 467
2019  Ladies win 553 to 536
2018  Gents win 487 to 473
2017 Ladies win 480 to 465

Rules for the Ladies v Gents

30 images per Team

  • No restrictions on subject matter

  • Images should be in standard Club Competition format (1920 pixels (maximum) on the horizontal by 1080 pixels (maximum) on the vertical 

  • Team entries should contain a maximum of 4 images per author from the Ladies and at least 10 authors represented, and a maximum of 3 images per author from the Gents and at least 15 authors represented.

  • There are no restrictions on the number of images entered from each competition section – BUT images entered from authors in the Beginners or Intermediate sections will be awarded 2 bonus points per image.  This information will not be disclosed to the judges beforehand

  • No image shall have been used in a previous Ladies v Gents Battle

  • At least 10 images from the team’s selection shall not have been previously entered in a Club competition

  • Any image which is eligible for the PI of the Year Competition (ie has been placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in a Club Competition this season) is NOT eligible for selection.  HCs awarded this competition year are however acceptable.