The Hewitt cup
This week saw the running of the exciting Hewitt Cup competition. 36 sets of 5 images were shown, while the members present in the room awarded marks to each set. These marks were collated over the following days and verified an the winner was Robert Harvey with 23.64 points, 2nd David Wilkinson with 22.06, 3rd Dave Gray 21.65 and Frank collins got a Highly Commended with 21.54 points. Frank also had the highest scoring panel Lake District Reflection with 8.49 points.
Well done to everyone who took part as we all recognise how much work goes into an interesting, pleasing and cohesive panel. Special mention and thanks must go to our hard working competition secretary Richard Jones, who has spent many hours putting the panels together, showing them o the night as well as totting up the scores.
I am sure members have ideas and are already planning their panels for next years competition.
To see all the award winning panels click here and for the points table here.
Images above show a representation from each of Robert Harvey’s panels.