Projected Image League

Out with the old and in with a new year, a new logo, a new name for the club, and soon a new website – so it’s all change for 2023!

The first competition under the new name of ‘Devizes Photography Club’ was the Annual Projected Image League.

To enter the competition members needed to send in 3 sets of 5 images on a theme of their choice.39 sets were entered.

A great variety of subjects with many of the usual landscape and wildlife subjects but some of the rather different subjects were ‘light bulbs’ ‘seaweed’ and ‘dandelions in ice’. Members seemed to enjoy one rather clever set which was titled ‘Naughty Elf’ with a toy elf having rather too much Christmas tipple!

The competition was held using Zoom so members were able to score each set out of ten according to what they thought about the quality of the images, how they looked as a set and how they suited the title. Oddly the scores varied widely with someone giving one set a perfect 10 and another member giving it the lowest score possible!

As each set was scored Frank Collins and Gerald Clarke entered the average score for each set to the software which cleverly worked out the total of each entrants score.

At the end of the evening the results were announced. In first place was Robert Harvey ARPS EFIAP whose sets were ‘Life of the Mountain Hare’ ‘Buzzard Fight’ and ‘Milky Way’.

Images by Robert Harvey

Second place was Penny Clarke with sets titled ‘Shades of Africa’ ‘Images of Skye’ and ‘Lion Cubs at Play’.

Images by Penny Clarke

Taking images during the middle of the day in Africa can be challenging as can getting images that are different and stand out. I rather like working in Hi-Key giving the images a fine art style. I also like the more minimalist feel to these images.

I think really, I am a fair-weather landscape photographer which I know goes against anything which produces more interesting images. I found during my time on Skye the rain, hail, and more rain quite challenging, oh did I mention the wind as well? However, I was pleased with the images I took and funnily enough enjoyed my time on the island so maybe I am changing my mind.

The Lion cubs we were with them playing on the track in front of our vehicle, and we were the only ones to see them. We spent a lovely time with the and got some great images before they melted into the underground. 

Third was Tony Leach with ’Insects’ ‘Mist’ and ‘Raptors’. Caroline Wright, Craig Purvis and David Wilkinson LRPS were the next highest placed and were each awarded Highly Commended.

 Images by Tony Leach

David Wilkinson congratulated the winners and thanked Competition Secretary Dave Eagle who organised the competition and the 2 scorers who worked out the results.  Thanks to all those members who spent time putting together their sets

An interesting evening with a wide variety of images for members to enjoy. PM

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A year in the Wildlife of Salisbury Plain


Christmas Party and Image Knockout Competition