Ladies vs Gents battle

Last night we had the pleasure of the judging couple; wife Helen Jones ARPS DPAGB BPE1* and husband Stephen Jones ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE3. Both are predominately nature photographers however enjoy all genres of photography which clearly showed in their judging. When judging they both focus on the story, the atmosphere, context, and for emotional reaction. This was reflected in their judging which came across very passionate and knowledgeable, and they were very generous with their comments and feedback. It was a real pleasure to see these two judges juggle the “non-competitive” and very friendly in-house battle between the Ladies and the Gents. All the pictures showed a high quality standard and the judges truly had their work cut out for them. The Gents were victorious again this year, however the Ladies are ready to redeem themselves in next season. Congratulations to the Gents and team captain Gerald Clarke for steering the team to victory.

A huge congratulations to Janet Rutter for her “Fading Hoppy Hops”, Robert Harvey with his “Oystercatcher Amongst Knot”, Bridget Codrington for her “Science Museum, Valencia” and lastly Dave Gray for his “Doing The Ironing” - all 4 pictures scored maximum points from both judges.


AGM & Award Evening


Print and PI of the Year