From 60 Degrees North

Wildlife photographer and passionate naturalist Oliver Smart was welcomed back to the club to give a presentation of his images taken during some of his visits to the most beautiful locations in the northern hemisphere.
Starting with Finland, Oliver gave an insight into photographing the wildlife that survives in such harsh conditions. Most of the wildlife heads south but from the comfort of a heated hide Oliver photographed golden eagles and black grouse on a lek as well as a variety of small birds and owls.

Alaska has even harsher conditions but as he travelled north into the Arctic Circle he encountered caribou and musk ox in the deep snow. Oliver showed delightful images of polar bears as they played together in the snow and the Dall sheep with their curved horns. During several visits to the area he has also had good sightings of foxes and snowshoe hares.

Then after the break Oliver showed images taken closer to home – the Shetland Islands is renowned for its seabird colonies along its rocky coastline. You can get really close to puffins as they fly in to feed their young. Grey and common Seals are to be found on the shore as well as the chance of seeing otters.

To finish the presentation Oliver showed images taken in Svalbard – a group of islands in the Arctic Circle off the Norwegian coast. With its stunning landscapes, polar bears can be found as well as walrus, reindeer and arctic foxes.
Many of Oliver’s images have been published in books, nature magazines and wildlife guides. He also leads guided trips to scenic areas in Britain as well as abroad. See Oliver’s website for more information.

Club members enjoyed a really inspiring presentation from this very knowledgeable and enthusiastic speaker. PM
Images © Oliver Smart - Golden Eagle, Musk Oxen, Puffin & Dall Sheep

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