Annual Nature Competition

This competition is eagerly awaited and drew a packed audience in the hall with Helen Llewelyn as our judge for the night and she had a tough job to choose winners from a field of such a high standard. As an expert wildlife photographer herself, Helen offered some helpful advice to some of the photographers whose images didn’t quite make the cut.

Tonight’s Annual Nature Print competition was won by David Wilkinson with a delightful photograph of an otter cub with adult sitting on a bed of kelp, taken in Mull.

Simon Knight also had an extremely good evening coming 1st with a Kingfisher at Bradford-on-Avon and 2nd with Roesel’s Bush-Cricket Nymph in the Projected image section but also had a HC in the Print section with lovely Blue Tit on a branch of summer blossom.

All our Winning images can be found in our Gallery and the points table is in the competition hub.

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Developing a Creative Approach


Mostly Abstract - with a bit of landscape