Annual Monochrome Competition

Sandie Cox ARPS DPAGB EFIAP made a welcome return to judge the entries in the monochrome competitions. Sandie always looks very carefully at the images, as well as sharpness and composition, she especially looks for texture and likes to imagine she could feel the soft feathers or rough bark.

There was a large projected image entry so to make it a manageable number for Sandie to get through in the evening the entries were dropped from 3 to 2 per member.

Starting with the 52 projected images Sandie gave her comments on each image. With monochrome images the judge looks for contrast between the dark and light areas and a good range of tones. Some of the entries were let down by looking rather dull and grey but on the whole, there was an interesting variety of good quality images and a wide variety of subjects.


In first place was an excellent image with great detail and texture titled ‘Pin Mill Boat Wrecks’ right by Jane Wiltshire CPAGB, BPE3. The two wrecked boats were well placed with reflections in the tranquil water. Jane was presented with the Constance Mundy Trophy for best Monochrome Projected Image.

Another image with the texture the judge looks for – this time the feathers of the great-spotted woodpeckers. ‘Feeding the Chick’ by David Wilkinson LRPS was given a well-deserved second place.

In third place was ‘Gloucester Prison Inmate’ by Peter Evans which the judge said was well posed.

After the break the judge gave her critique on the 29 print entries. It was good that the actual prints were able to be shown as recently many print competitions had to be shown only on Zoom. This meant that members could only see a digital version of the print and often there is quite a difference between the two. Members were able to see the prints up close when they were displayed after the judging.


A seascape by Robert Harvey ARPS EFIAP was placed first and received the Fox Talbot Trophy for the best Monochrome Print. ‘Welcombe Beach’ showed the rocky ledges as they converged towards the horizon of this well taken image.

A very different image was in second place, ‘Budapest, Liberty Bridge’ by David Lock was a night scene of the river and the city with its many lights. In third place was a well taken image of a rocky outcrop by Bridget Codrington titled ‘Fairy Glen’.

Seven of the prints were awarded Highly Commended.

Sandie was thanked for giving her excellent critiques on all the entries and for giving her time to visit the club.

Thanks to all those members who entered the competition and special mention of those new members who entered a competition for the first time. Well done to all.

Thanks to Dave Eagle who as usual juggled the competition software and the Zoom at the same time. Thanks to David Wilkinson who organised the Print entries. PM


The judge awarded Highly Commended to 11 of the projected image entries. To see all the award winning images please visit our Gallery.


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