New to the club for 2024-2025 season
Devizes Photography Club is now going to be using a cloud-based system called PhotoEntry, to submit entries for competition and allows members to manage their own entries.
Penny will set up all members user accounts, which once set up will produce an email that is sent to you with your user ID which will be your email address and a unique password.
To activate your account click on the link and follow the on-screen instructions, it will require you to set up a new password. NB: the link expires in 24hrs (if the link has expired click on the “forgot password” link), if you are still having any problems then contact Penny.
The link to PhotoEntry is found here.
Entries can be added to the system any time up to midnight on the day that each competition closes and can be submitted in advance at any time. You could even enter all your competition entries for the year in one go. If at any time you wish to change an entry as long as the competition has not closed you may do so.