11: Glossary, Abbreviations and Information


Battles are friendly inter-club competitions where a panel selects suitable images to represent the club. Sometimes the battle takes places at our club or away at a nearby club. In battles an independent judge gives each image a score, and these are totalled. The club with the most points is declared the overall winner. The club also enters DPIC in which clubs from the WCPF area compete and the GB Cup which is a national competition.


BPE: British Photographic Exhibitions   

British Photographic Exhibitions include 17 National exhibitions e.g., Solihull, Southport, Rushden.

Points are awarded for acceptances into these exhibitions with one point for each photograph accepted.

The awards are: 25 points - 1 Crown; 50 points - 2 Crowns; 100 points - 3 Crowns; 200 points - 4 Crowns and 300 points - 5 Crowns.


DPC: Devizes Photography Club

Distinctions: Several members of our club have achieved internationally recognised Distinctions.  Distinctions are awarded on merit following submission of a panel of photographs for consideration by the relevant photographic society. The club is very keen to support any member who wishes to extend their photographic experience in this way. The main ones are

1.       The Royal Photographic Society (LRPS, ARPS and FRPS)

2.      British Photographic Exhibitions Crown Awards Scheme (5 levels)      

3.      The Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (3 levels: Credit, Distinction, Master)

4.      International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP) (Salon & FIAP information)

Except for the Royal Photographic Society, it is not possible to obtain any of these unless you belong to a recognised camera club.  Members who have, or later obtain, distinctions are asked to let the Membership Secretary know so that the club’s records can be kept up to date.


DPIC: Digital Projected Image Competition   

Throughout the season there are many external competitions, which may also be called Salons or Exhibitions.

These can usually be entered by any individual (an entrance fee is charged).

The major ones, especially if international, are of an extremely high standard.

All entries are judged but only the best ones are ‘accepted’ to be exhibited.

FIAP: Federation Internationale de l'Art Photographique   

Also known as the International Federation of Photographic Art. Members are national photographic federations. It is limited to one per country.

Great Britain is represented by the PAGB.

FIAP created a worldwide system of photographic Distinctions to encourage photographers to take part in international events, whereby each entry accepted in FIAP supported Salons or Exhibitions is given a point towards a Distinction:

AFIAP-Artist FIAP; EFIAP- Excellence FIAP; EFIAP/b-EFIAP Bronze; EFIAP/s- EFIAP Silver; EFIAP/g-EFIAP Gold; EFIAP/p–EFIAP Platinum; MFIAP-Master Photographer FIAP


PAGB: Photographic Alliance of Great Britain

Most Camera clubs are affiliated to the PAGB which, for example provides insurance cover for clubs.

They provide patronage for regional, national and international competitions and hold interfederation print and projected image competitions.

The PAGB is divided into 15 regional Federations. WCPF is our Federation. The PAGB also awards various levels of distinction awards for photographic merit, which can be attempted by anybody who has had work accepted for their Federation competition or exhibitions and gained the requisite number of points.

These awards are Credit - CPAGB; Distinction - DPAGB and Master - MPAGB, in order of merit.

Work must be submitted for judging.

CPAGB is considered to represent a ‘Good Club Standard’, DPAGB is ‘Open Exhibition Standard’ and MPAGB is the ‘Highest Standard of Amateur Photography’.

These are not to be confused with APAGB which is an honour, awarded to recognise a person who has given outstanding service to photographers and clubs within the PAGB.


RPS: The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain.

This organisation covers all aspects of photography, professional and amateur. It is a Learned Society and promotes photography internationally as a visual art form. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in photography. The Society Headquarters are in Bath, making membership particularly attractive to photographers in this area. At Bath there are frequent exhibitions and events. In addition, the RPS has many specialist interest groups that promote particular aspects of photography as well as a regional structure with a programme of several hundred events annually across the country. A Journal and other specialist technical papers are published by the RPS. The RPS award Distinctions (LRPS - Licentiate; ARPS - Associate; FRPS - Fellow) for photographic merit following submission of a panel of prints, digital images or slides to the appropriate Distinctions Panel.



These are National/International ‘exhibitions’ where individuals send-off prints or digital images for appraisal an, if they are good enough, they are ‘accepted’ for display. If you are very lucky (and very skilled) your image may be commended or receive a ribbon or honourable mention or be placed in the first 3 places. These events usually require the contestant to pay a fee to enter. The club awards the Ryder Rathband Trophy to the member with the lost acceptances in a year.


WCPF: Western Counties Photographic Federation.

WCPF is our federation which stretches from Swindon to Cornwall.

WCPF hold competitions with the main ones that we enter as a club being DPIC (Digital Projected Image Competition) held in February and the Print competition for the Kingswood Salver held in November.


For DPIC each club selects the required number of images from its members and any member can submit their projected images for selection.

There is also a Members Exhibition for both Digital images and prints which is held in April.

Any club member, as an individual, can send in images to the WCPF for selection for the Members Exhibition.

Each image selected for the WCPF Member’s Exhibition is awarded points

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