Special Interest Group Outings

This week, the Devizes Photography Club meeting was held to show images from some of the nine outings the club has held in the last year.

These have included

Langford Lakes for a macro and wildlife workshop with Tim Tapley

Garden Photography at Seend with Penny

Photowalk around Devizes and Summer Solstice Sunset at Roundway Down with Bridget

Seascape outing to Dunraven Bay and Nash Point with Robert and Dave Gray

London’s Southbank photo walk with Caroline

Marlborough Mop Fair including exclusive access to the tower of St Peter’s church with Bridget

Jane Austin in Bath with Caroline

Landscape/Seascape/wildlife/astro photography long weekend to Exmoor with Caroline

Fungi Foray to West Woods with Penny

Caroline Wright, who does much of the organisation, working out tide times, sunsets and sunrises, car sharing, accommodation and of course cafes, fish and chips, coffees and cake! presented the evening showing a selection of images from the trips and received a bouquet of flowers as a thank you for all her work. BC & GC

All images from these trips can be seen in the blog.


Mostly Abstract - with a bit of landscape


Open Projected Image 02 Competition