Club In House

For the first meeting of the new season, we were welcomed by the new Chairman David Wilkinson who went on to give us a brief history of the club and how he joined 10 years ago without even owning a camera. David then went on to show us some early images and how his interest of photography has grown resulting in him entering for his LRPS. He has now achieved his ARPS and it was interesting seeing his panels and how his photography has developed over time. David went on to mention that members of the club have helped him in his journey with a special mention going to Derek Mason.

Gerald then went through what we could expect from the programme from now until Christmas and what an exciting programme we have to look forward to.

A longer tea break than usual allowed us to catch up with what people have been doing over the summer, and a big thank you goes to Barbara, Bridget and Caroline for providing some excellent cake as a treat for us all.

Bridget started the second half with a run through of the what has been happening on social media both on the clubs facebook page, Instagram account and Special Interest Group Whatsapp. Penny then went through some changes she has made to the website with the bringing of all the competition elements together within the Competition Hub and the introduction of a Learning Zone. The Highlights section contains minutes of the meeting, and the Workshops cover the forthcoming activities of the Special Interest group. The Blog shows results of those activities and anything else that has been happening in the club. Caroline then finished up with images from the special interest group’s recent activities and then a roundup of forthcoming events was given. PC


Astrophotography - our open window to the Universe
