Annual Monochrome Competition

This week, the Club welcomed Ginny Campbell LRPS to come and judge our annual monochrome competition of both prints and projected images. To those present in the hall and those on zoom, it was a pleasure to hear from so clear, descriptive and encouraging a judge who offered lots of detail and positive critique.

Ginny pointed out the occasions when an image taken in mono, portrayed texture and patterns to their advantage,rather than if taken in colour. Among other points offered by Ginny were, if you are going to photograph a honeypot shot, it must have a difference in order to stand out. When doing reflections in water, get down low to improve the view. An image must tell a story. And if including people in an image, they should not look too posed.

In the print competition, Bridget Codrington was placed first with 'Centenary Square, Birmingham'.

In the projected image competition, Penny Clarke was awarded first place with ‘Waiting’,

Ginny Campbell presented Bridget Codrington with the Fox Talbot trophy for the best Monochrome Print and Penny Clarke will be awarded with the Constance Mundy trophy for the best Projected Image in due course

For all our competition winners please visit our competition gallery and points table.


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